Predicting the end of the Saturn Death Cult – Part 3

In my previous post I left a hint as to who I see playing the role of the Medes and Persians in the upcoming fall of modern Mystery Babylon, the modern international finance system operated by the most powerful elitist elements of the Saturn Death Cult.  As events begin to accelerate in the financial world and Mystery Babylon’s river of liquidity quickly and catastrophically dries up, I think it’s time to pay some attention to the role of Germany and Russia and the legacy of a mostly forgotten Nazi called Martin Bormann. Continue reading

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Predicting the end of the Saturn Death Cult – part 2

In my previous post I touched on the idea that clues to our future can be gleaned from events in the past.  The idea is that past events have a kind of prophetic echo in future events, especially where past events hold high symbolic value in the collective psyche of people.  Ancient Babylon is one such historical entity, a system of government saturated in potent symbolism that has a direct bearing on one of today’s most important institutions – the very troubled and fraudulent international finance system of central banking.

The fall of ancient Babylon is packed full with clues about the nature of the impending implosion of the international finance system. Continue reading

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Predicting the end of the Saturn Death Cult – let the fun begin!

It is apparent that key players in the Saturn Death Cult machine are facing extreme challenges to their existence.  In my opinion they have less than ten years left as a force on this planet.  The next ten years will see a radical transformation in human society based on values completely at odds with the ambitions and desires of these key players – the Saturn Death Cult and its financial arm called Mystery Babylon are finding they are in a fight for their very survival.

And a cornered Beast is a very dangerous animal! So be warned! Continue reading

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