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The Purple Dawn of Creation: A Journey into a Time before Time Began.
Before the mythical paradise of Saturn’s Golden Age it is said there was darkness upon the face of the earth . . . this was the ‘Purple Dawn of Creation’.
You are about to undergo a speculative journey into a time before the coming of the Saturn god and the death cult that would follow him . . . an exploration into how Earth might have looked to a race of desperate alien space travellers looking for a new home 40,000 years ago; a time when Earth was still a planetary satellite of the brown dwarf star Saturn before its catastrophic capture by the Sun.

How Earth’s northern hemisphere might have looked to alien space explorers 40,000 years ago during Earth’s ‘purple dawn’ epoch, a time when Earth was a satellite of the free-floating rogue brown dwarf star Saturn and enveloped in its dark red/blue light. (Image courtesy of The Purple Dawn of Creation; copyright Troy D. McLachlan)

Competing images of the primordial Earth: (left) The standard mainstream science view of Earth’s primordial environment circa.twenty million years ago; compared to (at right) Earth during its ‘purple dawn’ epoch, also approx. twenty million years ago. According to the book The Purple Dawn of Creation, Earth was enveloped for untold millennia in a semi-nocturnal purple-hued darkness, a consequence of its position as a satellite of the rogue brown dwarf star Saturn. Only once Saturn was captured by the Sun did Earth’s environment begin to take on the familiar look it has today. (Imgae courtesy The Purple Dawn of Creation; image copyright Troy D. McLachlan)
This ‘prequel’ to The Saturn Death Cult is packed full of illustrations showing Earth during its ‘purple dawn of creation’ epoch. Also included are speculative images of life on the ancient Jovian moon Ganymede, the once watery home world of the ‘Ganymedeans’, a hypothetical spacefaring people looking to escape their doomed planet then in orbit around the dying brown dwarf star Jupiter. For the Ganymedeans, the discovery of Earth was both a curse and a blessing; it offered them refuge and the hope for a new home. But Earth’s arrival, along with its giant host star Saturn, beckoned the coming destruction of their own fragile home world.

A speculative artist’s impression of the surface of the Jovian moon Ganymede circa. 50,000 years ago, when that moon might have been a habitable warm water planet orbiting the dying brown dwarf star Jupiter. According to the book Cosmos in Collision Ganymede was covered by a global freshwater ocean populated by giant floating pumice islands. Illuminated by the twin lights of the Sun and the dying glow of Jupiter, Ganymede’s host planet Jupiter is thought to have once been in a much closer orbit to the Sun before the Sun’s catastrophic capture of Saturn. (Image courtesy of The Purple Dawn of Creation; copyright Troy D. McLachlan)
But what the Ganymedeans found on Earth was nothing like the once warm and safe oceans of ancient Ganymede. . . On Earth they found a new and dangerously wild world fraught with beasts and monsters; a planet cloaked in a sinister and permanent purple twilight shed by the primordial reddish-blue glow of Saturn. Here the Ganymedeans discovered a world where time did not exist; a world whose host star was on a destructive collision course with the Sun, and would eventually destroy their own ill-fated world of Ganymede . . .

Illustration from The Purple Dawn of Creation. The northern stationary disc of the brown dwarf star Saturn as seen from the Siberia’s Arctic coast approx. 40,000 years ago. Earth at this time was locked in a polar axial-aligned position under Saturn’s south pole. Saturn’s red/blue light spectrum produced a permanent purple duskiness over the entire planet, its light reflected evenly back onto Earth’s entire surface by Saturn’s fully enveloping plasma bubble. (Image Copyright Troy D. McLachlan)
Based on the radical cosmological theories and ideas expressed in the books The Saturn Death Cult and Cosmos in Collision, The Purple Dawn of Creation explores and introduces the reader to the fascinating semi-nocturnal world of life on Earth 40,000 years ago—according to the witness of ancient world mythology. Life at this time was primitive, dark and dangerous; a world incubating in the purple cocoon of Saturn’s primordial radiance, Earth’s original host star. On this world humankind struggled for survival, and faced their greatest challenge: the apex predator today called Neanderthals.
Please note: Due to its extensive use of colour images to illustrate its narrative, this book is best appreciated when viewed on a Kindle or Kindle-compatible device able to display colour images.