The legacy of the Saturn Death Cult and its affect on mankind really begins with the priesthoods of the Silver Age and the rise of the nobility: The Bluebloods
Central to the existence of the new Silver Age priesthoods was the belief that what had destroyed the Golden Age could happen again. Utilising the new technology of writing, they set about recording the cataclysmic events as the Word to serve as a memory and a warning to future generations. These warnings formed the basis of secret societies within these priesthoods and preparations were made to ensure survival should Doomsday return.

The advent of writing gave the priesthoods of the Silver Age the technology to keep alive the memories of the cataclysmic end to the Golden Age. As people began to forget how Saturn once ruled the heavens, the increasingly misunderstood records of the priesthoods would become the basis for the beliefs of mystery schools and secret societies down through the ages.
Second Age of Discovery
A second great age of voyage and discovery ensued in which the refugees of the destroyed Golden Age civilisations determined to take a survey of their transformed world and cosmos and establish through their priesthoods the righteousness and justice they perceived to be the legacy of that former age. Weights, measures and calendars were established and enshrined by law in a growing network of interlinked temples and monuments that spanned the globe. The Masonic mystery schools of the great civilisation builders had arrived.

Was Egypt's ancient civilisation a legacy of refugees that had survived the great cataclysm that had brought the Golden Age to an end? Some esoteric traditions trace Egypt's past to Atlantis.
Earth captures the Moon
In keeping with the arrival of the Silver Age and its new Sun, a new silvery marvel could now be seen in the heavens – Earth’s moon. Captured by Earth in the destructive chaos that was the Saturnian system’s demise, this white globe exhibited crescent-like phases under the Sun’s light that harkened back to the glory days of the Golden Age when Saturn’s rings would be illuminated as crescents surrounding the former deity.

It's a matter of conjecture of when Earth captured the moon. Contrary to popular belief, the moon's heavily cratered surface is actually proof of extreme electrical strike activity due to the craters' almost uniformly perfect circular shapes. Meteorites and asteroids create angular impact craters and rarely hit celestial bodies at perfect 90 degree angles. Electrical experiments do however show electrical lightening producing the same kind of cratering as seen on the Moon. The moon's craters can therefore not be used to date the age of the moon based on meteorite impacts, a rare event in any case throughout human history..
The new moon proved an excellent keeper of time, yet its arrival would only serve to diminish the memory of the original crescents of Saturn and confuse the knowledge

The moon's almost uniformly circular craters could not have been created by multiple meteorite impacts which would have created a majority of angular impact craters. Electrical strikes are a better explanation.(credit NASA)
preserved in the masses of crescent-like symbols established by the priesthoods. Moon cults began to distort the original intent of these symbols and old knowledge gradually gave way under the weight of new and more confused fertility rituals.
Ominously, the seeds for the more sinister sex and blood rituals that would begin to spread their influences in the ages to come can be traced to the foundation of these early Moon cults.
(Go here for a fascinating look into the electrical features of the moon’s pock-marked surface)
Temples, Priest-Kings and the rise of International Commerce
With the establishment of weights and measures an excitingly new yet dangerously insidious concept began to take hold within the temples of priesthoods – the advent of the universal language of international commerce.
The driving factor in the increase of trade in the Silver Age was the newly derived notion of money. At this time money was issued in the form of clay tablet receipts against the production of goods by any given society or people.

Early money started as clay tablet receipts written in cuneiform (above). They were redeemable against the stored goods produced by the issuing nation. Today money is issued as a debt and backed by nothing more than that debt. (credit: The Urartian Tablet PD)
This clay tablet money was measured by and limited to the amount of goods that could be produced and stored in a peoples’ warehouse. The money was only as valuable as the amount of goods that were actually stored. This had been a central feature of the laws established by the priesthoods in ensuring equal weights and measures.
However, discoveries in the mining of gold and silver quickly established a link between these metals and the idea of money. Due to the difficulty in counterfieting these metals, it was realised that gold and silver could act as an alternative to clay tablets being used as money. This was especially useful when it came to trade between geographically seperated peoples who could not verify other people’s store houses, but who would know that gold as an accepted store of value could not be faked.

The generally useless metal called gold. Once established and enforced as a measure of wealth by the temples then those who controlled the mining and production of gold basically controlled commerce. (image PD)
Unfortunately, this ‘international’ element to trading quickly turned the new gold and silver money into commodities in their own right as each society refused to accept the clay tablet receipts of other societies. Trade boomed, but at the cost of losing control over regulating the value of the fruits of your labour – that was now in the hands of the gold and silver producers.
The laws established by the priesthoods as a way of ensuring just and equal weights and measures were thus cleverly subverted by the introduction of gold-backed money which was now entirely in the hands of the gold and silver producers. As noted, under this system the people who actually produced useful items like food and clothing lost any control they had over setting the value of thier products – all they could do was price them in gold or silver.
Corrupt elements in the temples quickly saw the advantage in controlling gold and silver as a way of dictating the value of the fruits of everyday peoples’ hard labour. With it came the transfer of immense power to highly positioned individuals within the increasingly corrupt priesthoods.
As the Silver Age approached its zenith, certain priesthoods quickly consolidated their power via this new money system until all wealth found itself being concentrated in the hands of shrinking minority. The Temple became this system’s centre of operations, its central bank, and this ultimately heralded the emergence of that most insidiously influential of historical characters: The Priest-Kings.
These Priest-Kings were the original Bluebloods. In reality, they were nothing more than mere merchant bankers with a monopoly over the aguably usless production of gold and silver. With the emergence of these temple-based banking parasites the peoples of Earth began to experience a new and most sinister force – debt-based slavery.
It was at about this time that some mothers started to notice that some of their children were going missing.
Origins of the Tower of Babel
The new temple-inspired commerce system proved a pervasive influence. From the far-eastern realms of the ancient Middle Kingdom and the former Heights of Pan and on through the rich lands of Vendyha, newly established priest-kings steadily accumulated wealth and power. In particular, certain elements within the Li clan of ancient China were to grasp this new concept of trade financing and expand upon it to establish unimaginable influence over that hemisphere.
Eygpt and Summeria and the surrounding nations particularly came under the sway of this global trade system. With it, the slave trade flourished due to the need to mine more and more of the yellow metal, particularly in the mines of ancient Eygpt’s Bisharee region. Soon, gold gained idol-like attributes in its ability to sway the thoughts of men and the love of money steadily supplanted the Golden Age notion of living a just and righteous life.
The tragedy was that all the careful work by the early priesthoods in preserving the memory of a righteous and just Golden Age through a system of laws and accurate weights and measures was now being usurped by this new and easily manipulated system of commerce based on gold-backed money.
The new system of commerce was the merchant bankers’ way of trying to build a man-made replacement for the lost heavenly ladder of the Axis Mundi that had served as the original symbol for the ascent to heavenly authority.
- Gustave Dore’s ‘Tower of Babel’ is the popular conception of the Babel legend. This portrays the story as a building project that was halted when the builders’ languages were scrambled. Instead, the city of Babel was like the financial centre known today as the City of London and its tower was equivalent to the Bank of England. The scrambling of the languages finds its echo in today’s financial collapse with its myriad of incomprehensible and fraudulant financial products. (image PD)
Under this new system merchant bankers, hiding behind the authority of the temple, would be elevated to a position of heaven-like authority over all commercial activity. The old established concept of authority as being founded on righteousness and justice was now replaced with the merchant bankers’ debt-based slavery system.
No other place exemplified this more than a place called Babel on the ancient plains of Shinar, the future location of the city of Babylon. There the central banking temple and its merchant bankers saw their financial authority grow to towering proportions, giving rise to the legend of the Tower of Babel.

The so-called 'Tower' of Babel referred to the high authority of the central temple which governed the financial system of the city of Babel. If you look closely at the biblical account of the Babel story you will see that it was primarily a city that was being built and which was abandoned. Reference to a city in the Bible generally means a system or way of doing things. (Compare Jerusalem with New Jerusalem and Babylon with Mystery Babylon)
Man-made economic catastrophe replaces memories of planetary upheavals
Of course, as the ensuing ages would show over and over again, a debt-based monetary system eventually implodes under its own debt-laden weight, and the higher you build its edifice, the mightier the crash. In an age fresh from multiple cosmic upheavals, the peoples of the Earth found themselves experiencing something unique – a man-made global catastrophe in the form of a systemic economic meltdown.
In this way did the so-called Tower of Babel collapse and the global economic chaos that followed forced whole nations and peoples to go back to their old diverse languages of commerce and trade. A confusion of different weights and measures now reigned, unsupported by any universal and unifying financial system.
The priest-kings were overthrown and in their place stepped up the men of great renown, the most famous being Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter. As is always the case in the wake of an economic collapse, a time of tyrants follows.

Nimrod pictured left. The original tyrant, note the Venus star burst he's wearing like a modern wristwatch, except in this case he knew Venus as Ishtar (compare Ishtar symbol at right). Both images PD.
However, deep within the ruins of the now discredited temples of the priest-kings, dark secret societies sought to preserve the concept of debt-based slavery as part of their mystery teachings. These Illuminated Ones struck a bargain with the Bluebloods, the deposed priest-kings, and embarked on centuries of secret ritual refinement of the alchemical creed of universal dominance through the power of creating wealth out of nothing: The power to issue debt-based money.
As the Age of Silver drew to a close more children were noticed to be going missing. On the horizon hovered a menacing figure; the celestial red-painted warrior, Mars. And with him came the age of heroes and further upheavals. With him came War and the Bronze Age of Man.
(continue on to The Bronze Age: Man as God)